Incorporating state-of-the-art hands-on high-speed videography and image analysis lab activities

Principal Investigator
Dr. Lydia Bourouiba, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Fund: Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period: AY2016
Department/Lab/Center: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Nonlinearity and dynamics are ubiquitous in the world around us and are of great interest to both engineers and scientists. For example, as a nonlinear and multi-scale phenomenon, fluid turbulence has been explored by numerous fluid dynamicists over decades, while still remaining fundamentally unsolved via the traditional analytical methodology of mathematics or physics. Numerous natural and engineered systems also share similar nonlinear and multiscale dynamic properties; however, such properteties can be difficult to learn. Here, we propose to incorporate state-of-the-art hands-on videography and image analysis lab activities to enhance teaching and learning of nonlinear dynamics, instabilities, and complex hydrodynamic concepts of undergraduate students in Engineering at MIT.