What you need to know
Graduate students who are enrolled in a research degree program and who are not taking subjects are eligible to have their summer tuition subsidized from Institute general funds. The plan was developed to reduce the cost of graduate students to research grants and to improve the quality of faculty life. It is not intended to enable growth in the size of graduate programs or to lengthen the time towards a degree.
The subsidy applies to new or continuing graduate students in normal resident status during the preceding spring term, and who are only registered for thesis or pre-thesis research credit during the summer.
Some key points to remember:
- Graduate students who register for other summer subjects will be charged tuition on a per unit basis up to the maximum tuition. This tuition may not be charged to research grants.
- Those interpreting summer tuition policy and those processing student appointments and subsidies should download the Summer Tuition Subsidy for details on specific tuition basis codes, as well as some sample scenarios.
- Students registering for summer internship subjects are not eligible and will be charged the per unit rate, up to a maximum of four units.
What you need to do
- Register by the specified deadlines for thesis or pre-thesis research subjects.
- Email or call (617) 258-6409 with questions about the subjects that currently qualify as thesis or pre-thesis for your department.