What you need to know

Wellesley students can take classes at MIT during the fall and spring semesters. In addition to the typical MIT subject offerings, the following programs are also open to Wellesley students: the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)(link is external); courses at Sloan School of Management through the Sloan bidding process(link is external); and physical education classes(link is external) through the Department of Athletics, Physical Education & Wellness (PE&W), and Recreation (DAPER).

Some key points to remember:

  • We do not recommend cross-registering for an MIT class in your graduating term if your graduation depends on that class. MIT’s term finishes later than Wellesley and grades for MIT classes may not be available before degree decisions are made.
  • Subjects at MIT are letter-graded (A/B/C/D/F) or pass-fail (Pass/D/F). Consult with the Wellesley Registrar’s Office if you want to have a letter grade converted to Wellesley's credit/non-credit system.
  • MIT uses plus and minus grade modifiers for internal purposes only. They are not reported to the Wellesley Registrar’s Office.

What you need to do

  • Review dates and deadlines on the MIT and Wellesley Academic Calendars. 
  • If you wish to cross-register at MIT, you must follow MIT’s deadlines and understand that we are unable to guarantee our processing times will meet Wellesley’s deadlines. 
    • Questions or concerns about a Wellesley deadline, should be direct to the Wellesley Registrar’s Office. 
  • Find class descriptions, meeting times, and locations for MIT subjects in the Subject Listing & Schedule(link is external).
  • Complete the Wellesley cross-registration form and have your MIT instructor sign it when your class meets for the first time.
  • Submit your forms:
    • If you are cross-registering for a UROP — email your cross-registration form to urop@mit.edu.
    • All other subjects — email your cross-registration form to records@mit.edu.
    • Email a copy of your cross-registration form to the Wellesley Registrar's Office by the deadline on the Wellesley Academic Calendar(link is external). Note that you do not need to wait for MIT’s email confirmation before submitting.
  • After your forms are processed by MIT, you will receive an email confirmation with your MIT ID number or a notice that your account has been reactivated if you are a returning cross-registered student.
    • Processing time is 2-3 business days for fall term and 3-5 business days for spring term.
  • Once you receive your ID number, sign up for a Kerberos account(link is external). This step is unnecessary if you are a returning cross-registered student.
  • Install MIT certificates(link is external) on your browser.
  • Go to MIT Card Services in Room E17-106 to obtain an ID card.
  • Add your emergency contact information to your personal record in WebSIS(link is external).
  • Dropping an MIT subject is a two-step process: