What you need to know

MIT collects legal sex, or sex assigned at birth, as required for government reporting purposes and by our health insurance provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield. Legal sex is used only for legitimate educational interests and shared only with those systems or individuals authorized to receive it including, but not limited to, systems related to housing assignments and participation in athletics, and with academic departments. 

Gender and pronouns allow students to self-identify in ways that legal sex does not and are more inclusive and relevant demographic identifiers for most purposes.

What you need to do

  • To update your gender or pronouns, go to WebSIS and click “For Students” followed by “Biographic and Emergency Records” and “Name(s), Last School Attended, Birthdate, SSN, Citizenship.”
    • Choose “Add/Edit Pronouns and Gender,” make your changes and click “Save.”
  • To inform MIT of a change in your legal sex, email a Legal Sex Marker Change Form to records@mit.edu.
  • You may also wish to visit MIT Health to update your medical record.