Use these standard abbreviations when creating transcript titles.
Term |
Abbreviation |
Accomplishment |
Accomp |
Advanced |
Adv |
America / American |
Amer |
Analysis |
Anal |
and |
& |
Anthropology |
Anthro |
Application |
App or Applic |
Applied |
Appl |
Architecture |
Arch |
Atmospheric |
Atmos |
Biog |
Biological Engineering |
Biol Engr or BE |
Biology |
Biol |
Biomedical |
Biomed |
Bimolecular |
Biomolec |
Biotechnology |
Biotech |
Building |
Bldg |
Business |
Bus |
Chem |
Chemistry |
Chem |
Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Civil & Envir Engr |
Cognitive |
Cog |
Commerce |
Cmrce |
Communication |
Comm |
Comparative |
Comprtv |
Computation |
Comp |
Computer |
Comp |
Construction |
Constr |
Containment |
Contmnt |
Control |
Cntrl |
Country |
Ctry |
Dsgn |
Development |
Dev |
Differential |
Diffntl or Diff |
Dynamic |
Dyn |
Ecol |
Economics |
Econ |
Economy |
Econ |
Education |
Educ |
Electrical Engineering |
Elec Engr |
Engineering |
Engr |
English |
Engl |
Equation |
Eq |
Entrepreneur |
Entrprnr |
Entrepreneurship |
Entrprnrshp or Entrshp |
Environment |
Envir |
Estimation |
Estim |
Experimental |
Exp |
Exploration |
Expl |
Facil |
Foundation(s) |
Found |
Function(s) |
Funct |
Functional |
Functl |
Fundamental(s) |
Fund |
Geochem |
Geography |
Geog |
Geology |
Geol |
Graduate |
Grad |
Hist |
Ind |
Individual |
Indiv |
Information |
Info |
Infrastructure |
Infra |
Instability |
Instab |
Integration/Integrated |
Integ |
International |
Intl or Internatl |
Internet |
Intnet |
Internship |
Intern or Internshp |
Interpretation |
Interp |
Introduction |
Intro |
Lab |
Language |
Lang |
Linguistics |
Ling |
Literature |
Lit |
Logistics |
Logst |
Mag |
Management |
Mgmt |
Manufacturing |
Mfg |
Market |
Mrkt |
Materials |
Matls |
Mathematics |
Math |
Measurement |
Msrmt |
Mechanical |
Mech |
Mechanics |
Mech |
Method, Methods |
Meth |
Modern |
Mod |
Ntwrk or Ntwk |
Numerical |
Num |
Op |
Operations |
Ops |
Optimization |
Optimzn |
Phil |
Planning |
Plan |
Policy |
Pol |
Political |
Pol |
Political Science |
Pol Sci |
Pollution |
Pollutn |
Practice |
Prac |
Practicum |
Prac |
Principles |
Princpls or Princ |
Problems |
Prob |
Procedure |
Proc |
Process |
Proc |
Property |
Prop |
Proseminar |
Prosem |
Qual |
Quantitative |
Quant |
Rad |
Remediation |
Remed |
Research |
Rsrch or Rsch |
Sci |
Seminar |
Sem |
Signal |
Signl |
Simulation |
Simultn |
Social |
Soc |
Society |
Soc |
Special |
Spec |
Stability |
Stab |
Standard |
Std |
Statistical |
Stat |
Statistics |
Stats |
Strategic |
Strat |
Strategy |
Strat |
Structure |
Struct |
Student |
Stdnt |
Studies |
Stud |
Subject |
Sub |
Supply Chain |
Supp Chain |
System |
Sys |
Tchg |
Technical |
Tech |
Technology |
Tech |
Thermodynamic |
Thermo |
Training |
Trng |
Transfer |
Trsfr |
Transport |
Trsprt |
Transportation |
Trsprtn |
Undergrad or Ugrad |
United Kingdom |
UK |
United States |
US |
United States Air Force |
United States Navy |
Wkshp |