Subjects offered for credit during IAP are treated exactly like subjects offered for credit during regular terms. CoC approves them on the same basis and following the same procedures.
Subjects offered regularly during IAP should be listed in the MIT Catalog and submitted in accordance with catalog deadlines. Each IAP subject offered for credit must have a number that has been approved by the CoC.
If a subject is offered both during IAP and one of the regular terms, the same number of units must be awarded and grading must be done on the same basis (i.e., letter grades or P/D/F) as approved for that subject number. If the number of units or grading policy differs, the subjects must be submitted to the CoC separately with different numbers, titles, and descriptions.
Any one-time or periodic IAP subject offered for credit that is not covered by existing subject numbers must be assigned a special subject number. If an IAP subject has been offered twice under a special subject number and the department wants to continue to offer it in subsequent years, a proposal must be submitted to the CoC to establish a permanent listing with a regular subject number, title, and description.
A subject can be graded P/D/F during IAP only if it has been approved with P/D/F grading.