What you need to know

Pre-registration is an opportunity for you to plan your class schedule for the upcoming term and prepare to meet with your advisor. You will pre-register in May for the summer session and fall term, and in December for IAP and the spring term. Continuing students are required to pre-register, even if for thesis or research only.

Some key points to remember:

  • Although the subjects you select during pre-registration will populate your initial registration, they are nonbinding. You must confirm your selections during registration.
  • Sloan Course Bidding (Course 15) is open to non-Sloan students during fall and spring pre-registration.

What you need to know about CI-H/HW:

  • Students interested in pre-registering for subjects designated as Communication Intensive in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CI-H/HW) will use the CI-H/HW selection tool, accessed through pre-registration.
  • During pre-registration, you may request prioritized scheduling for up to two CI-H/HW subjects. You may select alternatives for each subject.
  • If you do not select CI-H/HW subjects before the first pre-registration deadline, you will forfeit the opportunity to do so and move directly to the waitlist for all subjects.

What you need to do

  • Find subject offerings for the fall and spring terms in the online Subject Listing & 
Schedule. The advanced search feature can help you find subjects that fit your interests 
or schedule.
  • Read about summer offerings in the Summer Session Catalog.
  • Enter your subjects through the subject selection process or auto-submit your selections 
directly to pre-registration from the Subject Listing.
  • Remember to request your CI-H/HW choices by the pre-registration deadline.
  • Submit your pre-registration. Go to the pre-registration summary page to review your 
    Pre-register in WebSIS.
  • Schedules, based on pre-registration, will be generated for all students prior to the first 
day of classes and will be available on WebSIS.
  • Don’t forget to complete the registration process to finalize your selections.

Key dates & deadlines

Spring 2025

Pre-registration opensMonday, December 29 AM 
Pre-registration deadlineMonday, January 6 
Sloan course biddingView Sloan Course Bidding 
CI-H/HW deadlineThursday, January 165 PM
Final pre-registration deadline ($85 fee)Thursday, January 165 PM
Student schedules generated Thursday, January 23 
Registration opensMonday, January 279 AM