What you need to know

As you progress through your time at MIT, make yourself aware of the requirements you must complete each year, as well as the various educational opportunities available to you.

Academic requirements


Most students declare their major during the spring term of their first year. Those who do not are called “undesignated sophomores,” and must declare before beginning their junior year. Once you declare your major, you are assigned an advisor from that department.


As a sophomore, you will continue taking subjects to satisfy General Institute Requirements and begin your departmental program. During your junior and senior years, you will generally concentrate on your departmental program. Subjects from the departmental program constitute approximately half of the work you must complete for an SB degree.


To stay on track, you must complete one Communication Intensive (CI) subject each year. Generally, this means completing your second CI-H/HW subject by the end of your sophomore year, and one CI-M subject in each of your final two years. See Pace & Planning for full details on the CR by year.


Before the end of the first week of the second term of your junior year, you must select a HASS Concentration and submit a Concentration Proposal Form(link is external). Your HASS Concentration Completion Form(link is external) is due by the end of your final term at MIT, even if you are taking some of your concentration subjects that term.

Learn more about HASS Concentrations, including fields of study and instructions for completing the requirement.


We recommend that you complete your Physical Education & Wellness Requirement of 8 PE points and fulfill your swimming requirement by the end of your second year. Those who do not must file a PE plan by the due date to avoid a late fee. This plan allows the Physical Education & Wellness office to confirm your ability to complete this GIR. If, after filing a plan, you will still not finish in the timeframe indicated, you must file an amendment.

Visit the Physical Education & Wellness(link is external) website to file your PE&W plan proposal(link is external) and for the annual PE&W calendar(link is external),registration(link is external), and more information.


Some departments require an undergraduate thesis as part of their program. They differ among departments, but are usually undertaken during your senior year. Check with your department's undergraduate administrator for specific thesis requirements and review specifications for thesis preparation(link is external) from the MIT Libraries.


At the beginning of the term in which you expect to graduate, you must submit your degree application on WebSIS(link is external). You should submit an application if there is a chance you will finish that term; there is no fine to remove yourself from the degree list later. Review the undergraduate degree requirements for deadlines and details.

Grading Options

Flexible P/NR Option

Those entering MIT as first-year students in Fall 2020 and beyond may allocate up to 48 units after their first term to be graded on a P/NR basis. These units may be used for any subject and may be taken at any time. Students designate a subject as Flexible P/NR after final grades are submitted and before Add Date of their next regular enrolled term.

Educational opportunities


If you would like to declare a minor, we recommend that you do so during your sophomore year. Completion forms for minors in architecture, engineering, HASS, management, or science should be submitted no later than the end of the third week of your final term, even if you are taking subjects to complete the minor in said term. If you file the form late, you will be subject to a fee and risk not being awarded the minor.


You may apply for a double major within the framework of a single SB degree, provided that you meet the eligibility requirements and filing deadlines. See Choosing a Double Major for more information.


During the fall and spring terms, you may cross-register for classes at Harvard University, Wellesley College, and Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt). Each school has its own set of rules and deadlines. Review cross-registration information and procedures.


The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is one of a number of experiential learning opportunities available to students at MIT. Visit UROP(link is external) for more information and to find projects.