What you need to know

MIT offers a limited number of subjects each summer as listed in the Summer Session Catalog. You can also take units-arranged subjects such as UROP, special studies, or research, by prior arrangement with a faculty member. There is no cross-registration with other schools during the summer. To obtain credit for work done elsewhere during the summer, follow instructions for transfer credit.

What you need to do

  • Review key dates and deadlines on the Academic Calendar and subject offerings in the Summer Session Catalog.
  • If you are a graduate student enrolled in a research degree program and taking only thesis or pre-thesis research subjects, your department will approve your selections.
  • Submit your pre-registration using WebSIS.
  • By the end of the first week of the summer session, complete your online registration form. Submitting your registration after this deadline may result in a $50 late fee.
    Register for subjects.
  • Changes to your registration should be made using the Add/Drop application by the last day of classes.

Key dates & deadlines

Registration opens Monday, June 3 9 AM
Registration deadline ($50 fee) Friday, June 14 11:59 PM
Add/drop deadline (last day of classes) Friday, August 16 11:59 PM