What you need to know

A loan deferment letter provides proof of your enrollment — in current and previous terms — to your student loan servicer. These letters are primarily used by current students and recent graduates, but are available for any former student who needs a breakdown of his or her enrollment by term. You can obtain a loan deferment letter from MIT or from the National Student Clearinghouse(link is external) (NSC).

A loan deferment letter generated at MIT includes:

  • Your legal name (from your student record)
  • Start and end dates of the current term, if currently registered
  • Start and end dates of all previous terms you were registered for
  • Your level each term
  • Your registration load status for the current term
  • Your expected graduation date

A loan deferment letter from NSC includes:

  • Your legal name (from your student record)
  • Start and end dates of the current term
  • Start and end dates of all previous terms you were registered for
  • Your registration load status each term, along with a note if your load changed during a term

What you need to do

You can order a loan deferment letter in person, online, or by written request.

To order in person:

  • To order in person — visit the Registrar's Office in Room 5-117 during our walk-in hours
  • An MIT ID or other valid picture ID is required. 

To order online from NSC (current students only):

To order by email or U.S. mail:

  • Prepare a written request, including the following information:
    • Your legal name (from your student record)
    • Your MIT ID number (if known)
    • Date of birth (optional)
    • Your MIT degree program (if any)
    • A brief explanation of what you need
    • Name and address or email address where you want the letter sent
    • Your daytime phone number or email address
    • Your signature
  • Email your request to records@mit.edu or send it to MIT Registrar’s Office, Room 5-117, Attn: Certifications, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139.
  • If necessary, you may choose to have the letter sent via express shipping service.