What you need to know

The Registrar’s Office records your grades, distributes them to departments and other institutions, and enforces and interprets Institute grading policies. Instructors report grades to us at the end of each term for all subjects, including UROP and thesis, through the Online Grading System(link is external). Faculty Committees use summary reports in end-of-term reviews of your academic performance. Grade definitions(link is external) are published in the MIT Bulletin.

The Committee on Academic Performance(link is external) (CAP) reviews undergraduate grades and the Graduate Academic Performance Group(link is external) (GAPG) reviews graduate students’ grades. Read more about grade regulations in Section 2.60 of the Rules & Regulations of the Faculty(link is external).

Some key points to remember:

  • The grade report is your internal academic record. It is available to you, your advisor, and your departmental academic administrator through WebSIS(link is external).
  • The transcript is your external academic record.
  • There are significant differences between your grade report and transcript. For example, the internal grade report includes plus and minus modifiers and academic warnings that do not appear on official transcripts.
  • Visit the grade report page(link is external) on WebSIS for full details on the differences between grade reports and transcripts.
  • Learn how to interpret the notations and symbols on your grade report or transcript.