
Common term that refers to the MIT Bulletin.

Class schedule

Meeting times and locations of all classes offered during a given term.

Committee on Curricula (CoC)

The faculty committee that approves the creation, revision, or cancellation of undergraduate subjects; approves the creation, revision, or cancellation of undergraduate curricular programs; and reviews applications for double majors and petitions for substitutions to General Institute Requirements.

Committee on Graduate Programs (CGP)

The faculty committee that approves the creation, revision, or cancellation of graduate subjects, and the creation or cancellation of graduate programs.


Subjects which are to be taken concurrently. In the Bulletin, corequisites appear in italics in the prerequisite field.

Editorial revisions

Includes revisions to term, duration, instructor, or years offered.

Equivalent with scheduling relationship (ESQR)

Formerly known as “meets-with,” the relationship between two or more subjects that meet at the same time and location for lecture, recitation, and/or lab during the same year and term.


Formerly known as “joint,” a subject offered by two or more departments with separate subject numbers under which students can register.

Parent and child relationships

An administrative relationship that occurs between cross-listed subjects, including School-wide electives. Typically, the department that originally proposed the subject is the parent.

MIT Bulletin

The official MIT publication that provides an overview of the Institute and the five Schools, information on degree programs, and a listing of subjects offered. Also known as the Course Catalog.

MIT Student Information System (MITSIS)

An administrative system supporting all student services at MIT including registration and academic records, student financial services, academic departments, housing, and medical.


Indicates the sequence in which subjects are to be taken and the base of knowledge on which a particular subject will build.

School-wide elective subjects (SWE)

Cross-listed subjects of two or more departments, normally within the School of Engineering.

Subject Classroom Planning

An application used by department coordinators to request classrooms for their subjects each term and look up previous terms’ schedules.

Subject Listing & Schedule

A list of all active subjects that includes U or G classifications, years and terms offered, instructors, prerequisites and/or corequisites, units, grading modes, and schedule information for the current term.

Subject Proposal Management

An application used by catalog coordinators to propose, revise, and remove subjects from the catalog.

Subject Term Planning

An application used by catalog coordinators to activate and deactivate subjects for registration, modify the term duration for partial-term subjects, and specify the instructor name and course URL to appear in the Subject Listing & Schedule.

WebSIS (Web-based Student Information System)

Self-service website for administrators and instructors to view class lists and academic information for individual students.