What you need to know

The Subcommittee on the HASS Requirement (SHR) is a permanent subcommittee of the Committee on the Undergraduate Program (CUP). Its membership includes one faculty chair from the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS); and in addition, one faculty member from each of the five Schools; two undergraduates; and ex officiis, nonvoting members the Vice Chancellor, the Dean for SHASS, or their designated representatives. The Registrar's Office provides administrative support. For more information about SHR, email hass_sub@mit.edu.

2024-2025 Subcommittee on the HASS Requirement

Hiromu Nagahara, SHR Chair, History
Patricia Fernandes, Executive Officer and Assistant Dean for the Communication and HASS Requirements



Amy Moran-ThomasAnthropology
Jeremiah JohnsonChemistry
Roberto RigobonManagement
Delia WendelUrban Studies and Planning
Rob MacfarlaneMaterials Science and Engineering


Felicia Xiao ’26Physics 
Gerardo Berlanga Molina ’25Mechanical Engineering

Ex officio

Emily Richmond PollockDesignated Representative, Dean of SHASS
Nancy RoseDesignated Representative, Vice Chancellor


Kara Cunningham Staff Associate 
Sarah MichaudAdministrative Assistant