Creating Art - Thinking Science

Principal Investigator
Tobias Putrih, Art, Culture, and Technology;
Prof. Vladimir Bulović, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Fund: Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period: AY2023
Department/Lab/Center: MIT Program in Art, Culture, and Technology

Understanding the centrality and importance of today's ever-expanding visual culture is key to developing new culturally-aware knowledge and technology. Building on a successful experimental collaboration between ACT and MIT.nano “ Intro to 3D Art” class, we propose an innovative and imaginative new class experience called “ Creating Art - Thinking Science” that will foster intimate collaboration across disciplines. Participating art students will be paired with science/engineering TAs who will guide them through the labs of MIT.nano and associated research groups, helping them shape the envisioned projects. Together they will forge a new cross-disciplinary creative reality, telling stories of technology (and with technology) that were too distant to reach by either discipline on its own.