Principal Investigator
Prof. Michael Strano, Chemical Engineering; Dr. Matthias Kuehne, Chemical Engineering; Dr. Xun Gong, Chemical Engineering; Albert Tianxiang Liu, Chemical Engineering; Jingfan Yang, Chemical Engineering; Daniel Lundberg, Chemical Engineering
Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period:
Chemical Engineering
Nanopore sequencing is a groundbreaking new way to sequence macromolecules such as DNA. High-fidelity, hand-held devices have become commercially available at drastically reduced cost, making sequencing technology accessible to the non-specialist. This democratization enables an increasing array of applications, with foreseeably growing impact on society. We want MIT students to be well-trained and responsible leaders in this field. Therefore, we propose a tutorial providing them hands-on experience with this powerful new technology. Students will sequence DNA material from their environment and perform data analysis, as well as grow an understanding of the involved science, engineering, and ethics—echoing the MIT philosophy of mind and hand. This proposal seeks funding to support this new module primarily by helping to acquire the state-of-the-art sequencing instrumentation.