What you need to know
The registration process for MIT’s Independent Activities Period (IAP) differs from other terms. You are automatically registered for IAP subjects based on pre-registration and advisor approval is not necessary, although we encourage you to meet with your advisor to discuss your plans. Learn more about IAP in the MIT Bulletin.
Some key points to remember:
- You may not take more than 12 units during IAP.
- If your subject begins in the fall and extends into IAP (e.g. 8.01L and 18.02A), or if your subject begins in IAP and extends into the spring, six units will be applied to your IAP credit limit.
- A UROP taken for credit counts towards your IAP credit limit.
- Payment of full tuition in the fall or spring terms also covers subjects taken for academic credit during IAP. Students who are not charged full tuition should contact us before registering.
- Special students should consult the MIT Bulletin for information on eligibility.
- IAP subjects have varied start and end dates and there is no single Add or Drop Date.
- Cross-registration is not available during IAP.
What you need to do
Register for IAP subjects in one of two ways:
- Pre-register using WebSIS.
- You will be automatically registered for IAP subjects based on your pre-registration, and will receive an email listing of your subjects near the beginning of IAP.
- New and returning students who will be registered in the spring must contact us to pre-register.
- You may make changes to your subjects as long as pre-registration is open.
- Participate in an enrollment lottery.
- Check the Subject Listing & Schedule or the department website for registration instructions.
- You will be notified of the lottery outcome by the subject organizer and will be registered automatically if accepted.
- At the beginning of the second week of IAP, check your registration on WebSIS.
- After IAP pre-registration closes, make changes to your registration through our Add/Drop Application. Instructor approval is required to add a subject.
- Alternatively, notify your instructor that you are adding or dropping the subject so that he or she can make a notation when submitting grades to the Registrar's Office.
- You may not drop subjects after submitting your final assignment or taking the final examination.
Key dates & deadlines
Pre-registration opens |
Friday, December 1 |
Pre-registration closes |
Monday, January 8 |
5 PM |
First day of IAP |
Monday, January 8 |
Add/Drop Application becomes available |
Monday, January 8 |
5 PM |
Last day of IAP |
Friday, February 2 |
IAP grade deadline |
Friday, March 8 |