GIR Environment

Principal Investigator
Prof. John Fernandez, Architecture; Dr. Amanda Graham, MIT Energy Initiative
Fund: Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period: AY2017
Department/Lab/Center: Architecture

This project will support the introduction of topics of the environment into a set of GIRs. The motivation is threefold; first, to develop a mechanism for the sustained introduction of topics of the environment to a large proportion of freshman and sophomores; second, to mobilize contributions to the development of early undergraduate curriculum; third, to seed general undergraduate interest in pursuing further studies in environmental subjects. The strategy proposed here is the deployment of problem sets, and possibly other educational material, jointly developed between GIR instructors, TAs and other MIT Prof.s and students, in a select number of GIR subjects in Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. Development work will begin in Spring 2016 and continue through summer and fall.