A New Course on Disaster Response and Preparedness

Principal Investigator
Prof. Miho Mazereeuw, Architecture; Mr. Adam Norige, Lincoln Labs
Fund: Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period: AY2017
Department/Lab/Center: Architecture

This new interdisciplinary course explores innovative solutions for disaster response and preparedness. Case studies and game‐ based exercises will provide an overview of how recent disasters have unfolded; including operating environments, challenges, response communities and how those have led to increased resilience. The class will investigate one specific hazard for the final projects through hands‐on prototyping, encouraging system‐oriented design while covering communications, sensing, power and data analysis. Fall of 2016, the class will address earthquakes and speak with experts in Nepal (Response) and San Francisco (Preparedness). 2017 will address hurricanes. The course will become a global resource for open source prototyping projects, analysis methods and on‐line lectures.