Replacing Cookbook 8.01 Experiments with Real Worl Measurements using MICA (Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Analysis)

Principal Investigator
Prof. Ian Hunter, Mechanical Engineering; Dr. Peter Dourmashkin, Physics
Fund: Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period: AY2018
Department/Lab/Center: Mechanical Engineering

Funding is requested for a collaborative effort between the Departments of Physics and Mechanical Engineering to extend a 2016 pilot program that is focused on enhancing the hands-on learning experience of students in the 8.01 physics class by providing them with modular instrumented sensors that have been developed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The current 8.01 in-class experiments are guided experiments with predetermined outcomes. The students often indicate in their evaluations that these experiments are their least favorite part of 8.01. MICA sensors with their integrated mobile application will be incorporated in one section of 8.01 and used in two separate lab modules, one focused on linear motion and the other on rotational and translational motion.