Time and Frequency Resolved Spectroscopy: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Photosynthesis

Principal Investigator
Prof. Gabriela Schlau-Cohen, Chemistry
Fund: d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period: AY2018
Department/Lab/Center: Chemistry

The goal of this proposal is to develop an undergraduate, interdisciplinary lab module centered on photosynthesis. MIT has taken steps to introduce an interdisciplinary perspective with programs such as the joint 5/7 major and the MITEI Energy Studies minor. However, much of the coursework still falls within traditional disciplinary boundaries, therefore, MIT urgently needs a new laboratory module that simultaneously leverages knowledge from multiple fields. The proposed module on photosynthesis addresses two critical gaps; the module is designed to span traditional boundaries within the sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and between sciences and humanities (combining technical knowledge and communication skills), enabling an integrated, inquiry-based approach.