VirtualProtocols - Seeing Science in a New Direction

Principal Investigator
Prof. Bevin Engelward, Department of Biological Engineering; Mr. George Zaidan
Fund: Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period: AY2013
Department/Lab/Center: Biological Engineering

Training the next generation of scientists is at the core of all life science laboratories, and is, of course, the central focus of MIT's laboratory courses. Currently, new scientists learn primarily by watching more experienced colleagues, which requires significant time for the instructor. Here, we propose to develop 'VirtualProtocols'. A novel hardware and software combination platform will be developed and distributed to create 3D videos, giving the viewer the experience of looking over the shoulder of the experimentalist. This tool could be used for students to preview experiments to be done in laboratory courses and UROP research. The VirtualProtocols approach could have a major impact on research training at MIT and beyond.