Credit may be received for only one CI-HW subject within the following groups:

Rhetoric and Writing: 21W.011, 21W.012, 21W.013, 21W.014, 21W.015, 21W.016, 21W.730

Writing and Experience: 21W.021, 21W.022, 21W.023, 21W.024, 21W.025, 21W.026, 21W.731
Science Writing and New Media: 21W.031, 21W.032, 21W.033J, 21W.034, 21W.035, 21W.036, 21W.732, ES.033J

Please see the Subject Listing & Schedule or email for more information.

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CI-H/HW subjects for 2024-2025

24.908 Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities CI-H HASS-S Spring
24.912J Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies [21H.106J, 21L.008J, 21W.741J, CMS.150J, WGS.190J] CI-H HASS-A, HASS-H Spring
CC.110 Becoming Human: Ancient Perspectives on the Good Life CI-H HASS-H Fall
CC.115 Writing About Big Questions: Defending Poetry CI-HW HASS-H Fall
CMS.100 Introduction to Media Studies CI-H HASS-H Fall, Spring
CMS.150J Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies [21H.106J, 21L.008J, 21W.741J, 24.912J, WGS.190J] CI-H HASS-A, HASS-H Spring
CMS.354J Japanese Media Cultures [21G.065J] CI-H HASS-H Spring
CMS.355J Latin America and the Global Sixties: Counterculture and Revolution [21G.070J] CI-H HASS-H Spring
CMS.376 History of Media and Technology CI-H HASS-H Fall
CMS.586J Introduction to Education: Looking Forward and Looking Back on Education [11.124J] CI-H HASS-S Fall
CMS.587J Introduction to Education: Understanding and Evaluating Education [11.125J] CI-H HASS-S Spring
ES.9112 Philosophy of Love - MIT Prison Initiative CI-H HASS-H Spring
ES.9114 Non-violence as a Way of Life - MIT Prison Initiative CI-H HASS-H Fall
SP.360 Terrascope Radio CI-H HASS-A Spring
STS.003 Ancient Greeks to Modern Geeks: A History of Science CI-H HASS-H Fall
STS.006J Bioethics [24.06J] CI-H HASS-H Fall
STS.034 Science Communication: A Practical Guide CI-H HASS-H Spring
STS.049 The Long War Against Cancer CI-H HASS-H Spring
STS.055J Living Dangerously: Environmental Problems from 1900 to Today [12.384J] CI-H HASS-H Spring
STS.064J DV Lab: Documenting Science through Video and New Media [21A.550J] CI-H HASS-A Spring
WGS.101 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies CI-H HASS-H Fall, Spring
WGS.109 Women and Global Activism in Media and Politics CI-H HASS-H Spring
WGS.130J Afrofuturism, Magical Realism, and Other Otherwise Worlds [21L.032J] CI-H HASS-H Fall
WGS.145J Globalization: The Good, the Bad and the In-Between [21L.020J] CI-H HASS-H Fall
WGS.190J Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies [21H.106J, 21L.008J, 21W.741J, 24.912J, CMS.150J] CI-H HASS-A, HASS-H Spring