Principal Investigator
Prof. Elizabeth Wood, History; Brent Ryan and Kateryna Lopatiuk, Urban Studies and Planning
d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period:
Urban Studies and Planning
Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, most Ukrainian cities have sustained damage to housing and infrastructure. To restore housing for millions of Ukraine's inhabitants will take ingenuity, innovation and collaboration after the war is over. Bringing together faculty from History and DUSP, this course will introduce MIT undergraduate and a few graduate students to hands-on projects in sustainable materials and urban planning using cutting-edge research and data collection, as well as innovative design strategies for reusing rubble and other materials. Professor Elizabeth Wood in History and DUSP Visiting Scholar Kateryna Lopatiuk (with oversight from Professor Brent Ryan) will introduce students to the culture and material science of the Sviatohirsk region in the Donbas (Ukraine) with particular attention to questions of re-use and sustainability.