Massachusetts state law regarding student absence due to religious beliefs has been adopted by the Institute as follows:

Any student who is unable to attend classes or participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day because of his or her religious beliefs is excused from any such activity. The student will be given the opportunity to make up the work that was missed, provided that the makeup work does not create an unreasonable burden upon MIT. The Institute will not level fees or charges of any kind when allowing the student to make up missed work. In addition, no adverse or prejudicial effects will result because students have made use of these provisions.

The following partial listing — prepared in conjunction with the MIT Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life — is provided for your information.

Academic Year 2024-2025


October 2-4Wed (sundown)-Fri (sundown)Rosh Hashanah
 8TuesdayFirst Day of Durgapuja
 11-12Fri (sundown)-Sat (sundown)Yom Kippur
 16-18Wed (sundown)-Fri (sundown)Sukkot begins
 23-25Wed (sundown)-Fri (sundown)

Shemini Atzeret/Simchat


November1FridayAll Saints' Day
 1-2Fri (sundown)-Sat (sundown)Birth of the Bab
 2-3Sat (sundown)-Sun (sundown)Birth of Baha'u'llah
 22FridayLhabab Duchen
 28ThursdayNational Day of Mourning
December8SundayBodhi Day
 8SundayImmaculate Conception


February28Fri (sundown)Ramadan begins
March19-20Wed (sundown)-Thu (sundown)Naw Ruz
 29Sat (sundown)Ramadan ends
 29-30Sat (sundown)-Sun (sundown)Eid-al-Fitr
April6SundayRama Navami
 12-14Sat (sundown)-Mon(sundown)Passover begins
 18-20Fri (sundown)-Sun (sundown)Passover ends
 18/20Friday/SundayGood Friday/Easter (Western & Orthodox)
 19-20Sat (sundown)-Sun (sundown)First day of Ridvan
 27-28Sun (sundown)-Mon (sundown)Ninth day of Ridvan
MayApril 30-1Wed (sundown)-Thu (sundown)Twelfth day of Ridvan
 22-23Thu (sundown)-Fri (sundown)Declaration of the Bab
 27-28Tue (sundown)-Wed (sundownAscension of Baha'u'llah
 29ThursdayAscension Thursday
June1-3Sun (sundown)-Tue (sundown)Shavuot