Y Fall Term 2021-2022 Undergraduate Students Graduate Students Total All Students
Course 2 3 4 5 Total UG Master /Eng. Doc Regular Doc Non-Res. Special GR Total GR Grand Total
Architecture, IV 5 4 7 4 20 171 50 4 - 225 245
Architecture, IV-B 2 4 2 1 9 - - - - - 9
Urban Studies and Planning, XI 2 4 9 1 16 71 41 2 - 114 130
Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science, XI-6 3 4 8 1 16 - - - - - 16
Program in Media Arts and Sciences, MAS - - - - - 50 97 1 - 148 148
Real Estate Development, RED - - - - - 43 - - - 43 43
Total 12 16 26 7 61 335 188 7 - 530 591
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING                      
Aeronautics and Astronautics, XVI 48 49 44 4 145 104 158 5 - 267 412
Aeronautics and Astronautics, XVI-ENG 6 14 12 1 33 - - - - - 33
Aeronautics and Astronautics, XVI-W (Woods Hole) - - - - - - 6 - - 6 6
Biological Engineering, XX 67 56 46 2 171 - 137 1 - 138 309
Chemical Engineering, X 23 11 18 - 52 16 224 - - 240 292
Chemical Biological Engineering, X-B 21 13 14 1 49 - - - - - 49
Chemical Engineering, X-C - - - 1 1 - - - - - 1
Chemical Engineering, X-ENG 9 12 16 - 37 - - - - - 37
Civil and Environmental Engineering, I - - - - - 43 60 3 - 106 106
Civil and Environmental Eng, I-ENG 7 10 17 2 36 - - - - - 36
Civil and Environmental Engineering, I-W (Woods Hole) - - - - - - 9 - - 9 9
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VI*** - - - - - 3 793 1 - 797 797
Electrical Science and Engineering, VI-1 16 13 9 5 43 - - - - - 43
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VI-2 98 143 105 7 353 - - - - - 353
Computer Science and Engineering, VI-3 223 266 226 15 730 - - - - - 730
Computer Science and Molecular Biology, VI-7 29 23 17 1 70 - - - - - 70
Computation and Cognition, VI-9 60 61 33 5 159 - - - - - 159
Computer Science, Economics and Data Science, VI-14 39 37 30 2 108 - - - - - 108
Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science, XI-6** 3 4 8 1 16 - - - - - 16
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VI-P (M.Eng.) - - - - - 245 - - - 245 245
Computer Science and Molecular Biology, VI-7P - - - - - 2 - - - 2 2
Computation and Cognition, VI-9P - - - - - 6 - - - 6 6
Electrical Eng and Computer Science, VI-PA (M.Eng., Internship) - - - - - 25 - - - 25 25
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VI-2A - - 1 - 1 - - - - - 1
Computer Science and Engineering, VI-3A - 1 2 - 3 - - - - - 3
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VI-W (Woods Hole) - - - - - - 6 - - 6 6
Materials Science and Engineering, III 17 20 19 1 57 70 109 - - 179 236
Materials Science and Engineering, III-A 6 6 8 2 22 - - - - - 22
Mechanical Engineering, II 36 55 68 8 167 181 230 3 - 414 581
Mechanical Engineering, II-A 84 83 66 11 244 - - - - - 244
Mechanical Engineering, II-W (Woods Hole) - - - - - 9 13 - - 22 22
Mechanical and Ocean Eng, II-OE 2 - 1 - 3 - - - - - 3
Naval Construction and Engineering, II-MN - - - - - 28 - - - 28 28
Nuclear Science and Engineering, XXII 6 2 4 1 13 15 78 1 - 94 107
Nuclear Science and Engeneering, XXII-ENG 4 8 1 - 13 - - - - - 13
Advanced Study Program, ASP - - - - - - - - 66 66 66
Program in Computational and Systems Biology, CSB - - - - - - 50 - - 50 50
Engineering Management, EM - - - - - 199 - - 34 233 233
Health Sciences and Technology, HST* - - - - - - 295 - - 295 295
Supply Chain Management Program, SCM - - - - - 44 - - - 44 44
Total 801 883 757 69 2,510 990 2,168 14 100 3,272 5,782
Economics, XIV - - - - - - 95 23 - 118 118
Economics, XIV-1 4 6 3 1 14 - - - - - 14
Mathematical Economics, XIV-2 4 5 3 1 13 - - - - - 13
Computer Science, Economics and Data Science, VI-14** 39 37 30 2 108 - - - - - 108
Anthropology, XXI-A 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 1
History, XXI-H - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 1
Literature, XXI-L - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 1
Music and Theater Arts, XXI-M - 2 4 - 6 - - - - - 6
Writing and Humanistic Studies, XXI-W 1 - - - 1 8 - - - 8 9
Humanities, XXI - - 1 - 1 - - - - - 1
Humanities and Engineering, XXI-E 1 4 4 2 11 - - - - - 11
Humanities and Science, XXI-S 1 2 2 3 8 - - - - - 8
Linguistics and Philosophy, XXIV 1 3 5 - 9 2 69 1 - 72 81
Political Science, XVII 4 1 1 2 8 1 69 4 - 74 82
Program in Comparative Media Studies, XXI-CMS 1 1 3 - 5 9 - - - 9 14
Program in Science, Technology, and Society, STS - - - - - - 22 3 - 25 25
Total 18 26 26 9 79 20 255 31 - 306 385
SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT                      
Management, XV - - - - - 1,626 86 - 55 1,767 1,767
Management, XV-1 5 7 4 2 18 - - - - - 18
Business Analytics, XV-2 11 15 18 2 46 - - - - - 46
Finance, XV-3 18 18 9 - 45 - - - - - 45
Operations Research, OR*** - - - - - 15 74 - - 89 89
Total 34 40 31 4 109 1,641 160 - 55 1,856 1,965
SCHOOL OF SCIENCE                      
Biology, VII 16 16 17 1 50 - 249 3 - 252 302
Chemistry and Biology, V-7** 25 19 8 - 52 - - - - - 52
Computer Science and Molecular Biology, VI-7** 29 23 17 1 70 - - - - - 70
Computer Science and Molecular Biology, VI-7P** - - - - - 2 - - - 2 2
Biology, VII-W (Woods Hole) - - - - - - 11 - - 11 11
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, IX 5 11 13 2 31 - 123 - - 123 154
Computation and Cognition, VI-9** 60 61 33 5 159 - - - - - 159
Computation and Cognition, VI-9P** - - - - - 6 - - - 6 6
Chemistry, V 9 12 11 1 33 - 250 - - 250 283
Chemistry and Biology, V-7 25 19 8 - 52 - - - - - 52
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, XII 6 4 3 1 14 2 71 - - 73 87
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, XII-W (Woods Hole) - - - - - 3 96 - - 99 99
Mathematics, XVIII 68 73 68 5 214 - 119 2 - 121 335
Mathematics with Computer Science, XVIII-C 61 35 20 3 119 - - - - - 119
Physics, VIII 63 51 52 4 170 1 287 - - 288 458
Total 253 221 192 17 683 6 1,206 5 - 1,217 1,900
SCHWARZMAN COLLEGE OF COMPUTING***                      
Computational Science and Engineering, CSE - - - - - 20 - - - 20 20
Data, Systems, and Society, IDS - - - - - 67 27 1 - 95 95
Total - - - - - 87 27 1 - 115 115
Undesignated Sophomores 9 - - - 9 - - - - - 9
First Year - - - - 1,178 - - - - - 1,178
Special Undergraduates — No Course - - - - 9 - - - - - 9
Grand Total 1,127 1,186 1,032 106 4,638 3,079 4,004 58 155 7,296 11,934

Not included in above totals:
Foreign Study: 2 students in the third year, 3 students in the fourth year.

*Number includes 180 students working on Harvard degrees only.
**Students in jointly offered majors not included in non-primary department totals.
***The Schwarzman College of Computing jointly administers the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Operations Research Center with the School of Engineering and the Sloan School of Management, respectively.

Non-Institute Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Tot UG Tot GR ALL
Non-Institute Brandeis, NIR - - - - - 1 1
Non-Institute Harvard, NIH 14 66 73 98 251 747 998
Non-Institute MFA/MCA, NIA - - - 2 2 4 6
Non-Institute Salem State, NIS - 1 - - 1 - 1
Non-Institute Tufts, NIT 1 6 7 3 17 - 17
Non-Institute Wellesley, NIW 3 60 83 76 222 - 222
Non-Institute Research Visitor, NIV - - - - - 30 30
Non-Institute Exchange, NIE - - - 17 17 3 20
Total 18 133 163 196 510 785 1,295